
What is the best extra job of 2023/2024?

Nowadays, it’s no secret that regular salaries are only enough to cover basic needs and a few treats per month, but they are not enough to give you the opportunity to create a savings base for the future, or to invest in assets or markets that can bring passive returns over the years. And you may be wondering what is the best extra job?

For this reason, you’ve probably thought about finding the perfect extra job that you can fit in with your regular schedule, and that will bring you additional earnings without wasting too much time or exhausting you to the extreme. Although this may sound a little hard to believe, there are extra jobs that can offer you what you need.

Want to know what the best extra job of 2023/2024 is? Read on and find out!

The best extra job options of the moment

In the extra jobs landscape, there are varied options that have increased in popularity in recent years. However, it is evident that with the passage of time, some jobs become more relevant and salaries increase due to the demand from employers.

These are some of the most outstanding extra jobs of the moment, we show you their characteristics so you can choose the one that best suits you.

In-Home Pet Sitter


With the growing number of people who have pets nowadays, it is very common for pet sitting services to increase considerably, however, most people do not trust dog hotels or the different boarding options that are on the market, so it has become quite common the practice of in-home pet sitters.

These people are dedicated to receive animals in their home and take care of them during the time their families are away from the city. This alternative is more reliable, since pet sitters are experienced owners who also have animals and will give them all the love and attention they need, something that pet hotels do not offer, due to the large number of animals they take care of at the same time.

Being a highly demanded occupation, in-home pet sitters earn a considerable salary for each pet they take care of, depending on the time they need to stay at their home. And it goes without saying that this extra job represents a great convenience, as it can be done from home.

Want to know how to become a pet sitter at home? Check this link.


Average monthly working days: 14 days.

Requirements: Good reputation and knowledge to care for pets.


  • Working from home.
  • Sharing with pets.
  • Possibility to add day rates.


  • Risk of problems or accidents due to damage to animals.
  • Possible damage to the infrastructure of your home.

Average monthly earnings: Approx. from 860€ to 1.900€.



The discipline of bartenders has become the favorite of many for a few years. For this reason, some people exercise it as a career and regular job, but when it comes to generating extra income, preparing cocktails and tending the bar is an ideal option.

Taking a bartender course is quite affordable and everyone can learn how to manage this discipline to later take advantage of it, plus it is something enriching for your life and that will always remain as an extra knowledge.

The best way to seize your bartending skills is to offer your services for private parties on weekends, or in bars some other nights of the week, by working the bar in a few hours you will be able to generate enough tips that will add to your extra income. The option of tending bars at private parties is even better, as the organizers are willing to pay enough and you will always have the option to add your hourly rates. The best part is that it’s an activity you can do sporadically and fit it into your regular schedule.

If you want to become a part time bartender, click here.


Average monthly working days: 6 days.

Requirements: Knowledge and skills to prepare cocktails and tend the bar.


  • Work a few days per month.
  • Possibility to add hourly work rates.
  • Entrance to private parties.


  • Extensive work hours.
  • Workplace accidents.
  • Dealing with very intoxicated clients.

Average monthly earnings: Approx. 1.400€



Nowadays, most people who have a regular job have also opted to get a freelance job online, this refers to an additional activity that they perform according to the disciplines they master. The most demanded freelance jobs on the internet are usually those related to programming, web development, anonymous writing, translation and graphic design, however, there are many other alternatives for all skills.

The most attractive thing about freelance jobs is that, as their name suggests, they are comfortable and sporadic jobs that you can do in your spare time from home, this helps you generate an extra income perfect for saving or investing as you wish. Another great feature of freelance jobs is that they allow you to adjust the hourly rate of work, and most of them offer fairly flexible deadlines, so you won’t have to stress too much.

Want to know how to become a Freelancer? Click here.


Average monthly working days: 14 days

Requirements: Advanced knowledge of a discipline in demand on Freelance platforms, and a fully equipped computer.


  • Organization of hourly rates of work.
  • Selection of projects that catch your attention.
  • Work from home.


  • Rude or unclear employers.
  • Scams in the payment for your work.
  • Short deadlines depending on the client.

Average monthly earnings: Approx. 1.900€

Delivery worker


As a result of the global pandemic by COVID-19, some extra jobs became more important, and one of them is that of the food delivery workers, due to the difficult situation and the impossibility of leaving home, the different food and grocery services implemented the modality of home deliverers, this undoubtedly provided an incredible solution, but at the same time generated a very demanded field of work.

Food delivery workers are in high demand in all cities of Europe and the world, with flexible schedules that are distributed between the hours of the three main meals of the day, these delivery workers make a certain number of deliveries per week and manage to gather enough extra income to add to their regular salary.

The only requirement to become a food delivery worker is that you must have a valid driver’s license, and in some cases a motorcycle or bike of your own. However, many of the food establishments provide the vehicles for the delivery person to do their job.

If you want to know how to become a delivery worker, click here.


Average monthly working days: 16 days

Requirements: A driving license and your own vehicle (motorcycle or bike).


  • Additional pay for the work done.
  • Vehicle provided by the company (on some occasions).


  • Long working hours.
  • Exposure to automobile accidents.
  • Exposure to inclement weather.

Average monthly earnings: Approx. 1.100€

Personal shopper


If you have always loved shopping in your spare time, a personal shopper job will be ideal for you, as it involves attending the best luxury stores in Europe to shop for exclusive items for the Personal Shopper Agency’s VIP clients. This job can generate impressive earnings with just a couple of services per month.

Personal shoppers have the ability to choose which services they want to perform and when, so they can build their schedule as they wish. Luxury shopping has a fairly high profitability per hour, meaning you can generate high income with very few store visits.

Best of all, fashion enthusiasts will be able to have fun and get a closer look at the stores of major fashion houses such as Hermès, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Rolex and Goyard – a once in a lifetime opportunity!

If you want to become a luxury personal shopper, click here.


Average monthly working days: 4 days.

Requirements: Residence in a European city, fluent in English, willingness, style, good presence and communication skills. Fashion knowledge (optional).


  • Few working days per month.
  • Ability to choose the services to be performed.
  • High commissions for purchases of exclusive items and shipments.
  • A fun and de-stressing activity.
  • Constant monitoring, training and guidance of the Personal Shopper Agency.
  • New knowledge of fashion and luxury trends.


  • Scouring several stores to find the right item.
  • Occasional chance to not be able to find an exclusive or limited edition item.

Average monthly earnings: Aprox. 3.120€

Have you already chosen your ideal extra job? You sure have!

Now that we have introduced you to the best extra jobs of 2023/2024, you can decide what best fits what you are looking for, and find out which is the most profitable job of all.

Find an extra job and start earning extra income quickly and easily!

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