Getting a good income each month has become something essential to survive in today’s world, where economic crises are in abundance and the cost of life has increased tremendously. This is why getting a second income is crucial to cover things you can’t normally cover.
However, many people may ask how to make a second income with a full time job? as they already work long hours to obtain their current salary. At Extra-Incomes we want to let you know that it is totally possible, and we will show you how to do it with some interesting tips. Don’t miss out!
Why get a second income?

A second income or extra income can be essential to meet ends at the end of the month. With a difficult economy, people are struggling everyday to be able to afford all their basic needs, plus some unexpected expenses and some little treats that they can give themselves. This is why second income becomes very important to live more comfortably and reach financial stability.
There are many ways to get a second income, but the most stable one is finding a side hustle or extra job. By doing so you can easily earn a steady income each month and cover other expenses that you may have. You can even save your second income for other important purchases, travel or investments, seizing your money correctly and multiplying it with time.
Tips to balance a full time job with a side hustle
If you’re thinking of getting a side hustle or extra job to obtain a second income but you already work a full time job, don’t worry, there are ways in which you can balance everything perfectly and be able to obtain the benefits from both activities.
Working a full time job while having an extra job is completely possible, and here we will show you some tips to balance both jobs without stressing or lacking. Read on!
Organize your schedule

The key to everything is organization. If you’re an organized person and you create your own schedule to deal with the two jobs, you can easily take care of both activities without juggling too much. Create a schedule that you can follow regularly and keep track of your tasks in both activities, this will help you have a clearer approach and avoid forgetting anything.
Use digital tools or apps to help you track your schedule, this way you can get reminders and adjust everything you need. At the same time it is important to establish a limit to each job, for example, if you have a full time job at an office, and you come back home to work on your side hustle, put a few hours to it, but keep a little time to rest and prepare for the next day. You can also distribute your time during weekends and keep your evenings free.
Find a complementary extra job

One of the most important aspects of being able to do two jobs at the same time is picking an extra job that is complementary to your regular job. This means that you need to find a side hustle that you can do in freelance mode (at your own pace without a fixed schedule) or find one that you can do while not on shift in your regular job.
Try not to overlap both jobs so you can move around and have enough time to fit everything into your schedule. Set realistic expectations for yourself and your employers, especially those of your second job, as they need to know how you’re going to meet the deadlines.
If you develop a side hustle that you can do on your own, and no one is hiring you directly, then you can also try to create your own hours and schedule, so everything can fit properly and be complementary to your regular job. Think of your full time job as the main fixed element that can’t be moved, and work around it.
Respect your own times

Having a second income and doing a side job doesn’t mean that you need to be stressed and lose all your social life for it. You need to balance both activities while also keeping time to yourself, remember that working is not your whole life, you are an individual and you must be gentle with yourself, not only with your physical health, but also with your mental health.
Make realistic schedules and deadlines, try to keep the work outside your private life and don’t live based on your jobs, but on yourself. Limit your working hours, take a moment to rest, eat, go out, relax and share some time with your loved ones. These experiences can help you recover more energy to go back to work.
Don’t push yourself too hard, establish your limits and communicate them to your employers in both jobs. If you work on your own and you have clients, let them know the limits and keep them clear at every moment, this way no one takes advantage of your work and talents.
Save money

Once you have started to earn a second income, you need to establish what is going to be the use of it, which means that you need to distribute your money correctly in order to seize it. If you decide that you want to save money for a bigger purchase, for traveling or even to invest, you need to stay away from irresponsible spending, and make your own saving plan.
Use digital tools to create a chart in which you can track your expenses, including your regular income and your second income, this way you can track what you do with your money and start to use it wisely. You can also put your second income into a separate savings account to keep it as untouched as possible and start saving it correctly.
Of course, if you are generating a second income because you want to treat yourself and purchase things you can’t normally buy, you can use it as you please, but it is advisable to keep track of your expenses so that you can seize your money correctly and enjoy it as much as possible.
So, do you already know how to make a second income with a full time job?
Now that you’re ready to get a second income and start your journey to financial stability, you can browse our blogs for extra job ideas and much more, so you can take control of your finances and live a more comfortable life.
Get a second income and enjoy financial stability!