If you have been thinking about creating a source of income in addition to your fixed salary each month, this job will be ideal to start earning more money, since nowadays the big restaurants and food chains have established the option of home deliverers, this has created a wide field of work for those who want to get some extra money in their free time.
Here we show you how you can start working as a food delivery person after your working day and get some extra income to invest in whatever you want. Pay attention!
- What is the job of a food delivery person?
- What do you need?
- How to become a home delivery person?
- Schedules and income expectations
What is the job of a food delivery person?

The job of a food delivery person is essentially simple, it consists of picking up food orders from customers in restaurants or fast food chains, and delivering them to their homes or the place where they are to be paid. This job can be performed by anyone of legal age who knows how to move around the city on a means of transportation, such as a bicycle, car or motorcycle.
The most common delivery person is the one in charge of delivering food, but there are many other variations of this job in which the delivery person can deliver other purchases made by customers in different stores, such as clothing stores, technology, car parts, books, groceries, and much more.
What do you need?

To start working as a food delivery person, the essential thing is that you are of legal age and know how to move around your city by bike, most delivery people use this method of transportation to get from one place to another and deliver orders on time , but many others move around on motorcycles or in cars, this will depend mainly on the restaurant or food chain you work with, as some of them require the use of motorcycles or cars instead of bikes. This means that you may need a driver’s license and a vehicle in perfect condition.
Another essential point to becoming a food delivery person is to have a smartphone to keep track of orders and to be able to find the delivery addresses indicated by customers. This is important to perform your job, as well as knowing how to use GPS applications to locate the addresses, this is also complemented with a good knowledge of all areas of your city.
How to become a food delivery person?

The job of a food delivery person can be easily obtained if you apply as a delivery person in restaurants near your home, or in the most recognized fast food chains, so you can talk directly with your employers and they will guide you to know what processes to follow. Usually, they will assign you a vehicle or ask you to bring your own, whether it is a bike, motorcycle or car, and they will also provide you with a uniform and a special thermal bag to transport the food.
However, today there are mobile applications that include different restaurants within a single delivery service, this option offers diversity to deliverers, who instead of working for a particular establishment, work for that specific delivery service so that they can deliver products from different restaurant chains. The most popular delivery apps are Uber Eats, Just Eat, Glovo, Rappi and Pedidos Ya
To work as a delivery person using this method, you only need to enter the “work with us” options of the different platforms, where you can fill in your details and submit your application. In this space, you can select your preferred working hours and the type of vehicle you will use as a delivery person, keep in mind that in this mode of working with delivery services you will not be provided with a vehicle, so you must have a bike, motorcycle or car to move around. In a few days, you will receive an answer and you will be able to organize your work schedule as it suits you best, working at night or during the day.
Schedules and income expectations

Working as a food delivery person can generate an average income of $15 to $17 per hour, this depends on the number of orders you deliver and how many hours per day you can perform this activity. If you work an average of 4 hours in the afternoon or evening after your regular work schedule, and you work from Monday to Friday excluding weekends, you will likely earn $340 per week or $1,360 per month, which is a considerable amount if we take into account that this is an extra job that you can do in your free time.
Food delivery work can be very beneficial for you to earn extra income according to your schedule and the hours you can dedicate to this activity, so it is a flexible job that you can fit into your life. This is a very positive thing and will give you extra money that you can use to invest in assets and start generating passive income for your future.
Are you ready to explore the extra job of food delivery?
If you still haven’t decided which is your ideal extra job, we show you these incredible options that you can’t miss.
Give the first steps to your financial independence!