virtual assistant

Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistant work has become a very well-paid extra job In recent times, in the wake of the global pandemic, many entrepreneurs and companies need people who are willing to support in organizing basic tasks remotely, as well as connecting with customers and partners.

If you’ve been thinking about getting an extra job to earn more income, the virtual assistant option can be very beneficial for you, especially if you prefer to work remotely or from the comfort of your home. Here’s how you can become a virtual assistant and what you can expect from this extra job. Don’t miss it!

What are the tasks of a virtual assistant?


Virtual assistants are required for mainly administrative tasks and support to senior executives of companies, the range of tasks they perform can be varied depending on the type of company that hires them or the needs that the contractor has. However, these are the most common tasks that virtual assistants should perform:

  • Administration: tasks of organizing meetings, calendars and business trips, as well as answering or making phone calls.
  • Accounting: control the finances of the company or a specific department, manage budgets and control expenses and income.
  • Personal assistant: support as personal assistants to company executives, with tasks such as organizing personal schedules, family vacations, birthdays, requesting household services, or purchasing gifts for loved ones.
  • Customer service: tasks of contacting customers or partners for the sale of products, logistical support to explain the operation of the company or attend to complaints.
  • Data transcription: tasks of database review, incorporation of new data and information management.
  • Production and management of social networks: programming and creation of posts for social media, as well as responding to user messages and channeling the flow of customers for purchases.

Many of these tasks require a certain level of knowledge and skills, however, it all depends on the requirements for the virtual assistant position for which you decide to apply.

How can you become a virtual assistant?


To start working as a virtual assistant you will need to create a profile on one of the online job platforms, such as Fiverr, Upwork or Freelancer, here you can add all the details of your experience, such as a digital resume, make sure to add all the areas in which you have worked or if you have previous experience as a personal assistant.

Subsequently, the platform will ask you to add your hourly work rate, for this you can base on the profiles of other virtual assistants, on average the hourly rate is from 11$ to 16$, however there are other more experienced virtual assistants who charge up to 30$ per hour. Be properly informed before adding your hourly work rate.

After your profile and hourly rates are ready, you can start applying to the different posts that request virtual assistants, you can filter them in the search function of the platforms so that you find the ones that best suit you, depending on the hours that you can allocate to this work and the activities that are requested.

Then you just have to wait for the employers to choose your proposal as a virtual assistant, keep in mind that it initially could take time for someone to hire you, since your profile will be new on the platform and you will not have other jobs done or reviews, but once you are hired and you start working as a virtual assistant, you will get many other jobs.

Expectation of earnings and work schedules


The work schedule of a virtual assistant depends on the request of the employers, some companies require assistants who work full time, but many others need part-time assistants or even for 3 or 4 hours on weekends, this makes the virtual assistant work ideal to turn it into your extra job to generate additional income because you can combine it with your regular work activities.

When working with a company or an executive, it is most likely that you can work with a single company for a year or more, this means that it will not be like other online jobs that work for projects with different employers. However, this is not a bad thing, as you can talk to the company and reach an agreement on the hours and days you will work and make it clear that it will not be a full-time job.

As for the expectation of long-term profits, virtual assistant work can generate a very variable amount of money, it all depends on the rate per hour of work you add, or the one that the company is willing to pay, the truth is that on average you could generate income from $1,200 to $3,000 per month. This is quite positive considering that it is a job you can do in your spare time and from home.

Are you ready to generate extra income as a virtual assistant?

If you want to see other options for extra work, we invite you to read our informative articles.

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